Exp-Plant Catalog

Exp-Plant Catalog


TF-GR Line List

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Display: records/page (Total={{serverconnect1.data.query.total}}record)

BRC No TF-GR line No. AGI Symbol TF family name AGRIS AtTFDB (*1) Align vs Araport11 (*2) Memo (*3) Stock availability status
BRC No. Data
TF-GR line No. {{tf_gr_line_number}}
AGI No. {{agi_number}}
TF family name AGRIS AtTFDB (*1) {{tf_family_name_agris_attfdb}}
Align vs Araport11 (*2) {{align_vs_araport_11}}
Memo (*3) {{memo}}
Stock availability status {{stock_availability_status}}

*1: *1: AGRIS->The Arabidopsis Gene Regulatory Information Server, AtTFDB ->The Arabidopsis Transcription Factor Database (https://agris-knowledgebase.org/AtTFDB/)

*2: "alignment_OK" indicates BLAST analysis for the sequence (Araport 11) shows 100 % match. "Mis" indicates the number of nucleotides that are mutated to cause an amino acid mutation. "5' diff" or "3' diff" indicate 5' or 3' sequence showing differences. "Del" or "Ins" indicate the number of amino acids that are deleted or inserted. "GAP" indicates there is a gap in alignment.

*3: "*" indicates that the sequences of primers and inserted sequences are cited from Mitsuda et al., 2010. "a" indicates that there is another entry clone with the same gene.