Resource List

DNA resource (RAFL clone, TF clone, TAC clone, etc.), Seed resource (Ds line, Accession, Individual Mutant, etc.) and Plant Cell resource

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Search; BRC No, Resource Name, Category and AGI Locus(AtXgXXXXX) (10 words max, separated by space).
"AGI>List" prefere for the AGI Locus and Annotation words.


Search words; BRC No, Resource Name, Category and AGI Locus (10 words max, separated by space)
"AGI>List" prefere for the AGI Locus and Annotation words.

Display: records/page (Total record={{}})

BRC No Resource Name Category AGI Locus Stock Availability Status
{{brc_number}}{{brc_number}} {{brc_name}} {{resource_type}}>{{stock_type}} {{resource_type}}>{{stock_type}}>{{stock_type2}} {{agi_locus}} {{stock_availability_status}}
BRC No. label&data
{{brc_number}} {{brc_number}}
Resource Name {{brc_name}}
Category {{resource_type}}>{{stock_type}}
AGI Locus {{agi_locus}}
Stock Availability Status {{stock_availability_status}}