Change history
Updated subculture method (rpc00104)
Updated pdf protocol (rpc00104).
Updated maintenance history (rpc00104).
Updated pdf cell line list.
Corrected typographical errors.
Added three cell lines (rpc00092, rpc00097, rpc00098).
Added three maintenance history (rpc00092, rpc00097, rpc00098).
Added one medium (medium no. 59).
Added cell lines to medium no. 1.
Added product description of gelling agents to 49 cell lines and 37 culture media
Updated pdf cell line list.
Updated pdf protocols (59 cell lines).
Added the genotyping results for FY2023.
Corrected notation of genotyping results (rpc00002, rpc00091, rpc00093, rpc00095).
Corrected typographical errors and wording.
Added three cell lines (rpc00110, rpc00111, rpc00112).
Added protocols section (78 cell lines).
Corrected cross reference to genotyping protocol (rpc00110).
Added two medium (medium no. 70 and 71).
Added three maintenance history (rpc00110, rpc00111, rpc00112).
Updated pdf cell line list and pdf protocols (rpc00042, rpc00055).
Added one protocol for overseas customers (Re-establishment of suspension cultures of tobacco BY-2 and related cell lines).
Corrected typographical errors.
Changed the transfer volume from 4.2 mL to 4–5 mL (rpc00014).
Updated pdf protocols (80 cell lines).
Added present culture conditions to maintenance history (rpc00014).
Replaced flask with Erlenmeyer flask and dish with Petri dish in maintenance history.
Corrected typographical errors and wording.
Corrected subculture intervals in Introduction and amount of gellan gum in Preparation of mLS medium (rpc00042).
Modified description of transportation container (rpc00017).
Added detailed methods for preparation of stock solutions of kanamycin and carbenicillin in Chemicals and stock solutions (rpc00042, medium no. 51).
Added a cross-reference to rpc00103 in Introduction (rpc00104).
Corrected references in Introduction (rpc00020, rpc00059).
Rearranged the order of reference list (rpc00058).
Corrected Wikipedia URLs (rpc00084, rpc00085, rpc00086).
Deleted a cross-reference to rpc00017 (medium no. 13).
Added KCl to formulation table (medium no. 15).
Modified title format (medium no. 57).
Updated pdf cell line list and pdf protocols (rpc00017, rpc00036, rpc00042, rpc00044, rpc00047, rpc00048, rpc00055, rpc00058).
Corrected maintenance history (rpc00102).
Corrected typographical errors and wording.
Updated culture conditions and subculture methods (rpc00008, rpc00012, rpc00014, rpc00018, rpc00022, rpc00023, rpc00024, rpc00035, rpc00036, rpc00037, rpc00038, rpc00042, rpc00055, rpc00058, rpc00095; see Maintenance history).
Modified description of medium preparation, methods, and notes due to change of culture containers (rpc00042, rpc00055).
Modified description of domestic delivery in notes of suspension cell lines (34 cell lines).
Updated pdf protocols (45 cell lines).
Updated maintenance history.
Added primer sequences (Primer sequences).
Corrected typographical errors.
Changed the transfer volume from sedimented cells 10 mL to cell suspension 8 mL (rpc00009).
Changed the transfer volume from 3 mL to 1.2–1.6 mL (rpc00062).
Added present culture conditions to maintenance history (rpc00009, rpc00062).
Corrected the number of transport containers in Components (rpc00017).
updated pdf protocols (rpc00009, rpc00017, rpc00062).
Changed suspension culture to callus culture (rpc00017).
Updated pdf protocol (rpc00017).
Updated external links (rpc00003, rpc00004, rpc00032, rpc00033, rpc00035, rpc00043, rpc00049)
Added present culture conditions to maintenance history (rpc00017).
Added one medium (medium no. 68).
Corrected maintenance history (rpc00002, rpc00009, rpc00012, rpc00013, rpc00014, rpc00015, rpc00016, rpc00017, rpc00018, rpc00025, rpc00026, rpc00027, rpc00033, rpc00034, rpc00037, rpc00038, rpc00051, rpc00052, rpc00053, rpc00054, rpc00057, rpc00058, rpc00059, rpc00060, rpc00061, rpc00064, rpc00069, rpc00084, rpc00085, rpc00086).
Updated pdf cell line list.
Added the genotyping results in 2022.
Corrected typographical errors.
Changed the transfer volume from 10 mL to 25 mL and updated pdf protocol (rpc00032).
Added present culture conditions to maintenance history (rpc00032).
Added four cell lines (rpc00101, rpc00102, rpc00103, rpc00104).
Added four maintenance history (rpc00101, rpc00102, rpc00103, rpc00104).
Added one medium (medium no. 61).
Added cell lines to medium no. 1 and 27.
Updated pdf cell line list.
Added genotyping data and genotyping protocols.
Corrected typographical errors and wording.
Corrected the description of fluorescent protein localization in Introduction of Plant cell lines rpc00093.
Replaced var. henonis with var. Henonis in Introduction of Plant cell lines rpc00047.
Updated pdf cell line list.
Added three cell lines to medium no. 1.
Modified description of copyright.
Added three cell lines (rpc00091, rpc00093, rpc00095).
Added three maintenance history (rpc00091, rpc00093, rpc00095).
Added Online resources (Protocols and Presentations).
Updated pdf cell line list and pdf protocols.
Updated Related links in homepage.
Added a cross-reference to rpc00084 in Introduction of Plant cell lines (rpc00085, rpc00086).
Corrected Notes of Plant cell lines rpc00100.
Corrected maintenance history (rpc00001, rpc00002, rpc00015, rpc00035, rpc00039, rpc00040, rpc00041, rpc00045, rpc00046, rpc00047, rpc00049, rpc00050, rpc00062, rpc00084, rpc00085, rpc00086).
Changed the culture medium for rpc00002 kurodagosun from medium no. 2 to medium no. 67.
Added medium no. 67.
Modified maintenance history (rpc00002).
Corrected typographical errors.
Modified description of transport containers in Components and Notes of Plant cell lines.
Replaced Kutsuna et al. 2003 with Kumagai et al. 2001 in Introduction of Plant cell lines rpc00041.
Corrected the citation link of Kumagai-Sano et al. 2007 in Notes of Plant cell lines rpc00041.
Updated pdf protocols.
Added five cell lines (rpc00084, rpc00085, rpc00086, rpc00087, rpc00100).
Added five maintenance history (rpc00084, rpc00085, rpc00086, rpc00087, rpc00100).
Added four media (medium no. 55, 56, 57, 60).
Updated pdf cell line list and pdf protocols.
Changed Wako Pure Chemical Industries to FUJIFILM Wako Pure Chemical Corporation.
Updated links of plant species database: Changed The Plant List to World Flora Online.
Added one reference paper to Plant cell lines rpc00049.
Corrected product description of IAA in Chemicals and stock solutions of Plant cell lines rpc00060 and Media medium no. 49.
Modified description of triple mutant in Introduction of Plant cell lines rpc00056.
Corrected typographical errors and wording.
Changed the cell line name of rpc00050 “at wt” to “YG1”.
Added a reference paper to rpc00050.
Replaced MnSO4·4H2O 22.4 mg/mL with MnSO4·5H2O 24.1 mg/mL of JPL_B (rpc00008, medium no. 5).
Replaced MnSO4·4H2O 6.69 mg/L with MnSO4·5H2O 7.23 mg/L in Formulation (medium no. 5).
Updated the pdf cell line list.
Updated pdf files and a pdf cell line list.
Replaced silicone caps with silicone sponge plug.
Added product information to the silicone sponge plug.
Modified format of citation of cell lines (rpc00001–rpc00069).
Corrected deposit and release date in Maintenance history pages (rpc00001–00069).
Added deposit date to Maintenance history of rpc00036 and rpc00044.
Replaced glucose with D(+)-glucose (rpc00019, rpc00028, rpc00029; medium no. 14, 24, 25)
Updated pdf files and a pdf cell line list.
Added six cell lines (rpc00064–00069).
Added six maintenance history (rpc00064–rpc00069).
Added three cell lines (rpc00065, rpc00066, rpc00068) to medium no. 44.
Added three media (medium no. 52–54).
Updated pdf cell line list.
The attention shown in rpc00005–00008 and medium no. 4–5 was deleted.
The description of subculture duration in Notes of rpc00013 was corrected.
The culture medium description of Plant cell lines rpc00030 was corrected. The culture medium no. 46 (0.9% (w/v) agar) was changed to no. 26 (1.2% (w/v) agar).
The culture medium description of Plant cell lines rpc00035 (medium no. 30) was corrected. The agar concentration 0.8% (w/v) was changed to 0.9% (w/v).
The culture medium description of Plant cell lines rpc00028 (medium no. 24) and rpc00029 (medium no. 25) was corrected. Sucrose was changed to glucose.
The culture medium description of Plant cell lines rpc00002 (medium no. 2), rpc00008 (medium no. 5), rpc00017–18 (medium no. 13), rpc00020 (medium no. 15) were corrected. MnSO4·H2O or MnSO4·4H2O were changed to MnSO4·5H2O.
The concentrations of plant hormone stock solutions were revised (medium no. 2–3, 10, 12–13, 23–25, 29, 37, 39, 41–43, 47–50).
The final concentrations of CaCl2·2H2O (medium no. 1) and KI (medium no. 21) in Formulation were corrected.
Corrected maintenance history (rpc00002, rpc00030, rpc00035, rpc00037).
Corrected typographical errors and wording.
Updated pdf cell line list.
Deleted link to Plant cell lines rpc00043 (medium no. 38).
Corrected wording.
Preparation of JPL organic solution and JPL sucrose solution of Plant cell line rpc00008 (medium no. 5) was corrected. The amount of stock solutions added was changed.
Preparation of JPL organic solution and JPL sucrose solution of medium no. 5 was corrected. The amount of stock solutions added was changed.
Corrected typographical errors.
Modified links to pdf protocols in Plant cell lines.
Added Maintenance history pages (rpc00001–00062).
Added external links to top page and Plant cell lines.
Added pdf cell line list to top page.
Added Google Analytics statement in footer.
Corrected typographical errors.
Updated our present culture conditions (2019-02-14). View detailed information
Medium description of Plant cell lines rpc00005–7 (medium no. 4) were corrected. The 2,4-D concentration (5 µM) was replaced with 1 mg/L.
Medium no. 4 was corrected.
Culture medium of Plant cell lines rpc00042 (medium no. 38) was changed to medium no. 51. The gelling agent Gelrite was changed to gellan gum.
Added medium no. 51.
Added PDF file size and deleted link to Exp-Plant Catalog in Plant cell lines.
Modified Figure 3 in Plant cell lines rpc00008.
Specified transgenic cell lines.
Revised the format of resource citation.
Replaced RIKEN BRC Web Catalog with Exp-Plant Catalog – Plant Cell Lines.
Added medium no. 8 and no. 26.
Added internal links.
Modified index.
Corrected typographical errors.
Initial release
medium no. 1–50