====================================== *Sesamum indicum* (sesame) cell lines ====================================== Plant cell lines ================ * :doc:`/cell_lines/rpc00025` * :doc:`/cell_lines/rpc00026` * :doc:`/cell_lines/rpc00027` Genotypes ========= .. csv-table:: :header: "Cell line", "rbcL", "Locus 145" :widths: auto "\ :doc:`PSB `\ ", "*Sesamum indicum*", "PSB/PSG" "\ :doc:`PSW `\ ", "*Sesamum indicum*", "PSW" "\ :doc:`PSG `\ ", "*Sesamum indicum*", "PSB/PSG" Protocols ========= DNA barcoding --- rbcL ---------------------- :doc:`_rbcL` DNA sequencing --- Locus 145 ---------------------------- #. PCR * Primer set 《:doc:`_primers`》 .. csv-table:: :header: "Target", "Forward primer", "Reverse primer", "Product size" :widths: auto "Locus 145", "145_F", "145_R", "800 bp" * PCR reaction mixture .. csv-table:: :header: "Component", "10 µL reaction" :widths: auto "TaKaRa Ex Taq™ Premix", "5 µL" "Forward primer (100 µM)", "0.125 µL" "Reverse primer (100 µM)", "0.125 µL" "Template DNA", "1 µL" "Sterile distilled water", "3.75 µL" * PCR reaction +-----------+------+---------+ |Temperature|Time |Cycles | +===========+======+=========+ |94°C |1 min | | +-----------+------+---------+ |94°C |30 sec|35 cycles| +-----------+------+ + |55°C |30 sec| | +-----------+------+ + |72°C |1 min | | +-----------+------+---------+ |72°C |7 min | | +-----------+------+---------+ #. Check the DNA sequence of the PCR product. .. 要確認: PCR reaction mixture、PCR reaction